Our Green Policy

Our Green Commitment

  • We encourage our staff to avoid wasteful printing
  • It is requested that all waste paper is used by staff on both sides before recycling
  • Where possible the paper we use is recycled
  • All staff must actively focus on email and web based communication
  • Kitchen waste must be recycled where possible
  • All chargers for mobile phones and PDA’s should be unplugged when not in use
  • Where possible, staff should utilise natural daylight as a preferred source to office lighting
  • Office lights (if used) are to be turned off at 1700hrs GMT when offices close
  • All PC’s are set to power saving
  • Both offices are well insulated so heating temperatures are reduced
  • Our offices are semi-furnished with recycled furniture
  • We use recycled business cards
  • We recycle our old computers, mobile phones and printer cartridges

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Inspired event solutions for ambitious clients

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